Impulsive arting

I made some art! For my birthday last week I was gifted some Caran d'Ache Neocolor I Metallic Artist Crayons. To try them out, I grabbed the Country Living magazine off my coffee table and flipped through until something spoke to me and then I drew it. I sketched out with a pencil, inked quickly with an extra fine Sharpie, painted the bucket with watered down acrylic paint, The galvanized inside rim and handles are mostly the crayons with some Prisma markers to fill in gaps. I made the label from my painted papers, as shown on my Mixed Media Skills page. Doodled a quick girl for the seal in the center for dimension, layered on top of the papers. I am very proud of this. The crayons are cool and great for scribbly marks but don't work well for solid coloring in. The scribbles on the sides of the ice cream maker are from the crayons. I liked that quick and loose use of them. I shall enjoy scribbling on other things in the future.